June 16, 2013

  • Earlier this week, I remembered that I felt guilty. Besides the reason of feeling selfish when I wanted someone to talk to me for more than one message and in quicker response than in four days, I also felt like there were a lot of people that I have lost touch with. So, on Wednesday, I remembered that I sent a text to a friend that I haven’t contacted in a while. She is probably the friend that I’ve known the longest for (almost 20 years) along with her sister. I texted her and we got to chatting for a bit before she had to go to work. 

    Then, while waiting for my bus to arrive, I receive a message from a friend that I haven’t seen or chatted since last year. Her message was, “Are you in line?” I turned around and there she was a few people behind me. She was a sister of another close friend. We got chatting away, catching, and I had to open my umbrella a few times since she complained that it kept raining on and off (even though it was just the wind blowing water off the trees). I also caught up with her sister a little after we got to our stop (since she came to pick her up).
    Then, tonight, I went to a 5 year old’s birthday party. I wasn’t expecting many friends of my age to be there, so I just had low expectations. Then, I saw that another friend that I haven’t talked to for almost two years was there. She was also someone that I crushed on for a very long time in the past (and she still doesn’t know). We got to chatting, grabbed food, and chatted some more. I actually think we spent most of the party with each other chatting and also playing cards. I think it was also appropriate since we were the only two people recently out of college and working, so it worked out fine. 
    It’s just a litte funny how a turn of events seemed to happen when I think about a certain aspect of my life missing. I hope everyone has/had a great weekend. With love, Ben.

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